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The dangerous power concentration in the food sector

The richest Brazilian, Jorge Paulo Lemann, is a lean man. And he does not like beer. But he knows very well about food. His father was a cheese merchant in the Swiss Emmental, before emigrating to Brazil, where he became a cocoa farmer.

Jorge Paulo Lemann is now 77 years old and is one of the 30 richest men in the world, according to the "Forbes" list. From the land his father once left, he is now doing business all over the world.

Its investment company 3G Capital is involved in Burger King and Kraft Foods and dominates the world's largest beer brewer ABInbev, which includes brands such as Pilsner Urquell or Beck's. The result of the merger of ABInbev and the US competitor Sab Miller is the result.


Corporations are getting bigger and bigger

Lemann is not the only investor doing good business with the world's diet. More and more donors are investing directly or indirectly in the production and distribution of food.

And the companies involved are getting bigger and bigger. For example, the "Corporate Atlas on the Global Agriculture and Food Industry", published by experts from the development organization Oxfam, the German Federal Environment Agency (BUND) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

The authors found that "large parts of the nutritional sector are already divided between few groups". These have acted cross-border - and "the trend towards power concentration continues". In this context, the organizations involved demand a reform of competition law "to prevent further concentration of the entire supply chain".

Category: My articles | Added by: liraxly (10.01.2017)
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